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Case studies

Moth Infestation in South Kensington

Cleankill Pest Control Director Ian Miller was visiting a premises in South Kensington, Central London, with a reported fly problem which he quickly identified as fruit flies originating from a dirty bin. He decided to survey the rest of the…
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Clock tower cleaned up by pest controllers

Cleankill Pest Control has been helping to clean up the famous clock tower in Brighton’s Preston Park. Pigeons had entered the Grade II listed tower through a broken stained-glass window and taken up residence. The work involved cleaning the…
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Harris Hawks Clear Misery Making Pigeons

Residents living in flats on the outskirts of London are celebrating after predator birds helped to remove hundreds of pigeons that were making people’s lives a misery. When Cleankill Pest Control carried out a survey of the property, the company’s…
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South-East industrial site with a rodent infestation

Cleankill Pest Control was called to an industrial site near a railway line in South East England after employees reported seeing rodents and hearing noises in the walls. Surprisingly there had been no history of rodent infestations at the site.…
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London mansion block with a clothes moth problem

The Cleankill team was called to a mansion block near Sloane Square in London after the residents complained about seeing clothes moths in the communal areas. On arrival, the team found severe damage to some of the carpets. Residents were probably…
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Harris Hawks solve Greenwich bird problem

FirstPort, the company which manages the prestigious Enderby Wharf in Greenwich, London, needed to find a solution to the pest bird problem which was causing residents’ balconies and other areas to be fouled. To preserve the look of the development…
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Solving an ant problem after other companies failed

Cleankill was contacted by the facilities managers of a large block of flats in West London with 176 units after another pest control company failed to solve a serious infestation of Pharaoh ants.   Every flat in the block needed treating to…
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Hawks fly in to solve seagull crematorium problem

A flock of seagulls that was pestering mourners at Eastbourne crematorium has been brought under control using hawks. The hawks are specially trained to scatter and scare the gulls away without harming them. Eastbourne Borough Council contacted…
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Managing resistant rats at racecourse

Where rats thrive they can spread disease, ruin food resources, gnaw electrical cables and even cause structural damage, not to mention the risk to reputation for businesses. Cleankill’s rodent expertise was called upon by the owners of a…
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Detective skills needed to solve bed bug problem

The Cleankill team was called in to solve a serious bed bug problem in one of the largest blocks of flats in London. Thirty out of 600 flats in the block in South London had been infected and it was a case of finding the source of the problem…
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Dealing with hornets in a listed farmhouse

 ProblemCleankill Pest Control was called to Blueberry PR’s offices in a Grade II listed farmhouse in rural Sussex after staff reported seeing large wasp-like insects entering the property via the fireplace. These wasp-like creatures were…
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Helping keep London 2012 sites pest free

Cleankill was proud to be in charge of the pest control at two high-profile sites during London 2012.At the equestrian site in Greenwich, Cleankill looked after the pest control at all of the food areas, including the concessions, marquees and all…
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